Our Story
Okay Cutie launched in 2020 and it was a complete and total accident.
While doing some personal shopping for clay earrings and coming up empty handed for the specific style I was wanting, I decided I wanted to try my hand at making my own. My husband, Tall drink Water, as he is known around here, was in complete support and told me to go for it. I ran to my local craft store, picked up supplies, sat down at my kitchen island and made my very first pair.
They were...okay. I mean, they were okay for my first ever pair, I posted them online in true millennial fashion and something wild happened. My friends started commenting, "I want a pair", "where can I get these", "make me some", y'all I was shocked.
But with that small confidence boost and a little wish to the universe, I decided to go for it and a short week later Okay Cutie came to life.
For a year I created pieces right where it started, at my kitchen island. Our second year in Tall Drink made me my very own studio in our house. I have been working with clay for almost three years now and I have loved every minute of it. I will forever be grateful to those friends who gave me the push to try something new and my husband for his support.
xoxo Kat